Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Baseball Terminology

Since I love baseball banter so much, I thought I would put together a quick BaeRating rundown of some of my favorite baseball expressions, the nerdier the better.

Two, Three, and Four-Bagger - Simple and gross. "Two-bagger off the vines for Chandreaux!"
BaeRating: B-

Granny - Sufficiently nerdy, but even better as...
Walk-off Granny "And it's a walk-off granny for Timbles!!! Can you believe it!!!"
BaeRating: B

Duck Snort a.k.a. Duck Fart - Classically nerdy. "Atta way, atta way, litte duck fart, McSorley!"
BaeRating: B

Base Knock - Efficiently nerdy. Fun to request when a batter comes to the plate. "How 'bout a little base knock, Montego?"
BaeRating: B

Golden Sombrero - It sounds wonderful, making the reality sting all the more. "Time to size up Buffler for his Golden Sombrero!"
BaeRating: B

Flashing the Leather - On the wrong side of nerdy for me. Always sounds gross. "Ozrino...flashin' the leather!"
BaeRating: C+

Lord Charles - Ambiguous and impressive name for a 12-6 curveball. "Koush, inviting Lord Charles to dinner tonight!"
BaeRating: B+

Eephus Pitch - One of my favorites since the pitch isn't really taken seriously anymore. "Mondief, pulling out a payoff Eephus!"
BaeRating: A-

Frozen Rope - Wonderful imagery, especially exciting to announce. "Rosenzweig with a frozen rope to left!"
BaeRating: A-

Excuse-Me Swing - Just an embarrassing thing to be called out on. "Schwindemann drops a dribbler on an excuse-me swing! Oh man!"
BaeRating: A-

Speed Merchant - What an awesome thing to be. "Murakami's a serious speed merchant and that puts a lot of pressure on the Rattler defense!"
BaeRating: A

Get Off the Schneid - Don't we all wish we could do this? "Man, Sheffler-Weis needs to get off the Schneid here, this is just embarrassing."
BaeRating: A

Worm Burner - This one I had never heard until recently, and I love it. Could be racist, could be homo-erotic, but it's ALL baseball. "Hoyle with a worm burner through the hole!"
BaeRating: A

Man, did you see that speed merchant get off the Schneid by making a worm burner out of Tekulve's Lord Charles? Avoided the Golden Sombrero with a little two-bag base knock on a frozen rope!


Anonymous said...

Can you define "ducksnort" and "worm burner" (sharply hit ground ball?) for the lay person? I've never heard those...

nbaer said...

A Duck Snort (or Duck Fart) is similar to a Texas Leaguer or a flare. It's a softly hit fly ball that drops between the infielders and the outfielders. Basically a base hit that drops as quietly as a duck fart is the idea.

A worm burner is a hard hit ground ball that could potentially burn any worms that were poking their heads out of the infield.

matt said...

I had never heard the term Lord Charles before. Even if it's made up, I'm using it. Also, thanks for evoking memories of Kent Tekulve.

Anonymous said...

The term Lord Charles was used during the early years of Dwight Gooden.