Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Daughter's Dinner Negotiation Last Night

First off - we had no water yesterday, thanks to an idiot who owns a duplex in our building. No one lives in this duplex, and for the second straight year he has not come by to turn the heat on, so his pipes froze and broke open, flooding his apartment. Seems like a real nice guy at the association meetings, though. Unfortunately we hold our association meetings outside, so they only happen in warm weather months.

BaeRating On The Idiot in My Building: F-

Anyway, the water situation forced me and my wife to eat leftover Musenski Casserole for dinner last night (no complaints from me), and my daughter to eat a frozen chicken nuggets meal. This is usually a pretty safe meal choice for her - in fact she probably eats some form of chicken nugget at 30% of her meals. Last night though, she went into lockdown mode, where she eats one bite of nugget and then filibusters for dessert until we grow weary and start negotiating. "Three more bites of nugget, 2 more carrots, and your milk, and we'll consider dessert. (pause) That was not an official bite." Sigh. Well last night, she was Samuel L Jackson to my Kevin Spacey, with her screaming, "You want my blood? Take my blood!", and the negotiation extending seemingly far beyond the listed running time. Sadly it ended with no dessert, but a straight to bed with only one book sentence. The bonus for her was that no water meant no teeth brushing. Dinner can be a real nightmare.

BaeRating: C-

1 comment:

Arnie said...

Jane looks like a gelfling in that picture.